
Personal (Nominative) Pronouns

Personal pronouns
are pronouns used as substitutes for proper or common nouns.

Personal pronouns
I Yo
You Tu
He Él
She Ella
It Eso
We Nosotros
You Ustedes
They Ellos

Personal pronouns are useful because you don't have to repeat words.

They can be used to talk about something or someone that you have already talked about.

e.g. Elizabeth put the coat on because Elizabeth was cold.
This would be better written as:
Elizabeth put the coat on because she was cold.

The word she is a personal pronoun and means 'Elizabeth' in this sentence.
This makes the sentence shorter and more interesting, as you don't have to repeat 'Elizabeth'.

NOTA: En el inglés, es muy común utilizar los pronombres personales explícitamente, incluso cuando el contexto ya es comprendido, como mediante la lectura de las palabras que siguen. Además, los pronombres personales deben corresponder al género, número de personas u objetos que se describen de forma correcta.

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